Drop-In Centers
Located in Somerset and Bedford, Pennsylvania, Our Place and HOPES are drop-in centers which provide a welcoming environment for all individuals with a mental health issue. We offer a wide range of activities including leisure events, social events, support groups and the opportunity to acquire other support services. Our goal is to smooth the path of the recovery process and promote the personal growth of each individual with mental health concerns.
Our Place
Our Place
597 East Main St
Somerset, PA 15501
Phone: (814) 701-2857
Monday: 9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Tuesday 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Wednesday 10:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
*Unless Otherwise Stated
Activities held at Our Place (Hope. Recovery. Wellness.)
—Self-help group meetings
—Recreation (pool and ping pong tables, various game console and board games)
—Individual advocacy partnerships
—Social support workshops
—Assistance with living independently sessions support
—Weekly/Monthly socials
—Technology and Education training
—Consumer speakers from within the community
—Guest speaker presentations
—Employment and vocational services
—Regular educational outings
123 Railroad St.
Bedford, PA 15522
Phone: (814) 623-2898
Tuesday 11:00 a.m. -3:30 p.m.
Wednesday 11:00 a.m. -3:00 p.m.
Thursday 11:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
*Unless Otherwise Stated
Activities held at HOPES (Helping Our People Emotionally and Socially)
—Provide support individually and group levels
—Workshops involving crafts
—Learning opportunities
—Outings to experience shopping
—Attend local community events
—Live Music
—Tours of local historic landmarks

Social Support


Awareness Group

How do we promote recovery? Through CSP!
What is CSP?
The Community Support Program (CSP) of PA is a coalition of mental health consumers, family members, and professionals working to help adults with serious mental illness and co-occurring disorders live successfully in the community. The statewide coalitions links CSP nationally with regional and local CSPs throughout the state.
—They are consumer-centered and empowered.
—Services are individualized to meet the needs of the person.
—Services incorporate self-help and other approaches that allow individuals to retain the greatest possible control over their own lives.
Why is CSP Important?
The recovery model incorporates the following components of a Community Support Program (CSP). These components are essential resources in recovery:
—Treatment and support
—Friends and family
—Peer support
—Meaningful work
—Income information support
—Community Mobility
—Community groups/organizations
—Psychiatric rehabilitation
—Leisure and recreation
Did you know…
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Staff and participants come together to gather for an annual “Day of Enlightenment” candle light vigil. We also host our annual Walk for Mental Health during May to “Stomp the Stigma” and raise awareness and show support for one another.