Intellectual Disability/Autism Program
Developmental Services Program of DBHS supports individuals with an intellectual disability/autism and their families, ensuring individuals receive needed home and community based services and are afforded choice and preference so that they may fully participate in the community and live the life they choose.
The functions of the local county Developmental Services Program includes eligibility determination, provider relations, services authorizations, system coordination, Risk Management, and coordination of funding sources.
- Services and Supports, which can include:
- Supports Coordination
- Assistive Technology
- Behavioral Support
- Benefits Counseling
- Communication Specialist
- Community Participation Support
- Companion
- Consultative Nutritional Services
- Education Support Services
- Employment Services
- Family/Caregiver Training and Support
- Home/Vehicle Accessibility Adaptations
- Homemaker/Chore
- Housing Transition and Tenancy Sustaining Services
- In-Home and Community Support
- Participant-Directed Good and Services
- Residential Services
- Respite
- Shift Nursing
- Specialized Supports
- Supports Broker Services
- Therapy Services
- Transportation
- Consultation and Education
- Planning
- Housing and Vocational Advocates
The Core belief of the LifeCourse Framework is ‘All people have the right to live, love, work, play, and pursue their life aspirations in their community.’